One of the complaints currently is that if 2 Titans gang against one player, it's usually game over, and there is not much to be done about it.
I wonder which strategic options can be added to the game to make it viable for players to defend better against this kind of onslaught.
One idea which comes to my mind is to have a second fire option on super weapons, specific to target Titans.
What if in addition to the current planet-targeting options, we have additional superweapon firing abilities against Titans:
Firing range: Can target Titans if they are on OWNED gravwells (perhaps a research can unlock targeting Titans on ALLIED gravwells too). Reason: tracking/targeting for smaller-than-planet-but-still-huge targets can only be done with the better monitoring deployed on owned gravwells.
A Novalith shot on a ship is bound to do a huckuva shock. Cue Star Trek shaking command bridge with people holding on to LCARS panels. Titan would have movement, weapons, skills and all passive regenerations disabled for some time. 1000~4000 direct damage would also be inflicted.
Deliverance Shooting the Titan would give a steal AM and shields over time effect, giving to owned/allied ships on the same gravwell as the Titan. Mind control would cause the defender 'own' the Titan for a short time, turning it against the invader force.
A Kostura shot on an enemy Titan would have the not-so-subtle effect of jumping the Titan back to the owner's capital. Jump would not be a teleport, it would be an actual jump, so the Titan would have this happy time away of combat.
Any praise, comments, going apeshit against this this idea?